Webinar FAQ

What is the SunStar Webinar and how is it different than our New Your City conferences? The Webinar will gives up to 5 fund managers the opportunity to tell dozens of reporters about how they achieved outstanding performance during these challenging times and longer periods, as well as your investment philosophy, sectors and stocks you like, and beliefs on the market going forward. This event is also a good way to build and strengthen relationships with reporters and earn positive news coverage. This event will be similar to our popular New York City Press Briefings, except you can participate from the comfort of your office, eliminating the need for costly travel and time away from the office.

What types of reporters can we expect to attend? You can expect 20-35 reporters from the following types of publications to attend our events:
  • financial advisor publications (Financial Planning, Investment News)
  • institutional publications (Pension's and Investments and Institutional Investor)
  • mainstream business publications (The Wall Street Journal, Business Week)
  • consumer publications (Money, Smart Money)
  • broadcast news (CNBC)
  • freelance writers.
Click here for the actual results from past events.

How much media coverage can we expect? It is typical for clients to be part of several stories within a few weeks following the event. It is possible, however, you won't get any press coverage. The quality and quantity of press coverage depends on the quality of your presentation, the timliness of the information, and the needs of the journalists who tune in. In addition to press coverage, another major benefit to participation in our events is relationship building with key journalists. This way you can earn press coverage over time.
Can we invite other audiences to listen? Yes. You may invite the journalists who may cover you locally, financial advisors, top clients and prospect, important people within your organization, etc.
What have previous participants thought about SunStar conference? Click here to read testimonials from participants and journalists who attended previous events.

What is the format of the event?
  • formal presentations kept to 5 minutes each (30-35 minutes)
  • Q&A (15 minutes)
  • Several poll questions throughout
In what order do participants present? The portfolio managers present in alphabetical order by fund name.

What makes for a strong presentation? Reporters need to develop fresh and interesting angles every day, so the portfolio managers who speak to current conditions, as opposed to a canned presentation that could just as easily be given a year ago, should earn more press coverage. Focus on the following issues:
  • your investment philosophy,
  • what good decisions you made that helped performance,
  • current themes in your portfolio,
  • your thoughts on the markets and the economy over the next few months,
  • stock picks and reasons why you like them.
  • Keep your commercial on your firm and your fund to 30 seconds.
Why are the presentations kept to only 5 minutes? Reporters have limited time to attend events like this. They prefer not be out of the office for multiple hours because they are busy covering breaking news and trends. Since we provide access to multiple portfolio managers at the same time, each presentation has to be kept short and focused.

Can we use a Powerpoint? Each company will be able to create 3 Powerpoint slides with photo, company logo, investment philosophy, market outlook, 3 securities. We will send you the template.
Will you help prepare my presenter prior to the event? Yes. We will set up a coaching call with your portfolio manager to answer any questions, prepare him for what to expect, and help him determine which issues he should focus on. We will also offer to listen to a dry-run of the presentation several days prior to the event.
Will there be technical training for the Webinar? We will have at least two dry runs prior to the Webinar to go over how to use the Webinar service and avoid technical problems.
Are television interviews included in this event? We notify the major TV stations and financial Websites about your participation in the event. As a result, it is not unusual for CNBC, for example, to want to interview some of the portfolio managers during the day or within the next few weeks.

My presenter may be uncomfortable speaking to groups or interviewing on television. Can you help him be at his best? For an additional fee, we will help prepare your presenter, strengthen interviewing skills and gain comfort with the interview process during a media bootcamp session. In a tailored session for your presenter which includes workshop exercises and on-camera simulated interviews, we will help enhance your message, help your portfolio manager feel more in control of an interview, and communicate effectively. We can also add other spokes people to the training session for cost efficiencies. Please ask us about this service if you believe it would help your portfolio manager(s) deliver a stronger presentation.

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